Your Business is doing quite well, but is your business future-proof?

Did you know - According to International Data Corporation (IDC), “the overall public cloud services market in India is estimated to reach US$ 17.8 billion by 2027, increasing at a CAGR of 23.4% between 2022 and 2027”.

Keep reading further, if you want to make your business “Future-proof”...

India has marked itself as a rapidly developing nation on the global map. Whether it’s lining up start-ups or adding up 10x growth to employment, India has surpassed all the expectations.

In this frame of events, setting up their own business has become a dream for millions of Indians. However, executing the same comes with a set of hurdles, such as financial crunches, lack of resources, getting short of availability, the list can just go on and on…

One of those hurdles can be managing and storing the huge amount of data that helps a business streamline its workflow. The entire process of data management requires an organization’s time, money, resources and bits of patience.

When it comes to any field of service-providing business, the amount of data going to be received is always unpredictable. Hence, you can never be fully prepared with the accurate amount of servers or storage.

So what does that mean? Isn’t there any solution to this threat?

Definitely, there is a solution called “Cloud-computing”

So, What is Cloud-computing?

Cloud computing can be presented as a virtual collaboration space that delivers computing services which include servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. These services are provided to the users over the internet ( Cloud platform) which helps businesses perform faster and more flexibly.

Why is Cloud-computing Important for Businesses?

Improved Response Time: The cloud works on a vast global network that is rooted worldwide. It’s the magic of this extensive global network, the users can experience fast data transfer and reduced response time for their requests.

Enhanced Performance: Cloud leverages a powerful infrastructure that can help with faster processing and better analysis. With cloud computing, the user will have access to high-performance computing services that help to ease complex tasks such as Data processing, machine learning and AI.

Easy on Pocket: What would you choose? Paying upfront for expensive hardware/software or sticking to a pay-as-you-go model? As a business person, you must know what would be a cost-effective option for you. Cloud computing offers a pay-as-you-go model, where you will have to pay for only what you use.

Flexibility of Usage: You never know when the requirement of these services might grow or shrink based on the performance of your business. With a cloud-computing service, you will have the option to increase or decrease your “Cloud computer” based on your business needs.

Innovative Technology: The growth of your business speaks a lot about the technologies that you are relying upon. With cloud computing, you can get access to cutting-edge technologies that will boost your application performance. Serverless computing, containers and artificial intelligence are just a few of them.

Convenience: Cloud makes it quite convenient for users to access file data from any location at any time. All you need is a laptop with a fast internet connection and you are good to go.

Data Security: With the masses getting more concerned about the safety of their data, keeping data safety on priority is what businesses ensure. Cloud providers offer advanced security measures to keep the user data secure and sound. Not only this, but these providers also ensure data backup and rapid recovery in case of any system mishap.

Understanding Cloud Computing vs. Traditional Storage

Let’s help you understand this in the simplest form:

Traditional Storage Options: Imagine purchasing a brand-new car. Here you will have to pay the entire amount upfront, no matter how much you’re going to use it. Spending on its insurance, maintenance, accessories, etc. You will have to stick to the same model no matter if you want to upgrade. If you need more space for your family and friends, you will be left with no other option than buying a bigger car.

Cloud Computing: On the other hand, take “Cloud computing” as renting a car. Here you will have to pay no amount upfront, just pay as per your usage. No need to spend on Insurance, maintenance or accessories, as the owner is here to take care of it. No need to stick to the same model as you can switch to any other desired one, whenever you want. Need a more spacious model? Just rent another model!

Why is cloud computing needed?

As we have discussed all the benefits above, cloud computing helps your business to become more flexible and agile. Cloud computing is needed to boost your business’s performance without investing all your money into a single resource. Cloud computing is like renting a supercomputer and space online instead of just buying it.

  • Cost-effective
  • Option of Scalability
  • Ease of Accessibility
  • High-performance infrastructure
  • Advance security measures
  • Innovative technology
  • Data safety
  • Data Backup and recovery
  • Wide range of Cloud services and tools
How does cloud computing work?

The servers provided on a Cloud-computing work like a massive data centre at a distance, accessible through the internet. When we use cloud computing, we store and process our data on these servers instead of keeping it on our local computer.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown for a better understanding:
  • Data is created by the user
  • Data is uploaded on the internet
  • Data travels to massive data centers via the internet
  • Data is stored in powerful data servers
  • Data gets retrieved from the data centre when needed
  • Data processing and analysis as required
  • Data returned to the device via the internet
What are the challenges with cloud computing?

Difficulty to Migrate Data: The biggest hurdle that one might have to face while switching to cloud computing is shifting the entire data to the cloud. This existing system migration can be time-consuming and disruptive for the current workflow. Handling data movement and building the environment from scratch turns out to be a challenging move.

Cost Management: There are a few instances where it can cost you more than expected. Suppose there is a sudden spike in demand which requires you to increase the amount of storage/server, it can cost you more than your usual pay. One also needs to be careful while using these cloud-computing services, as if you turn on any services and forget to turn them off when not in use, it can add up to your charges.

Not Choosing the Right Providers: Not opting for the right cloud computing can be as risky as falling for a hybrid or multi-cloud system. Providers like Ecode Dash can offer you best-fit cloud solutions, scalable infrastructure, seamless integration and management, and advanced security modules, all under your budget. They deal in leading cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Clouds.

Relying on multiple Cloud Systems: Most enterprises keep juggling between multiple cloud providers at the same time. This hinders the data flow and makes the process highly complex to manage. According to Spacelift, “of companies with more than $500 million in revenue, 56% use a hybrid cloud approach”. Different cloud providers offer different infrastructures or environments, which can not be clubbed to work together.

What is the Roadmap for Cloud-computing

As reported by Oliver Wyman and NASSCOM, “India's public cloud spending has the potential to expand at a CAGR of 27% over the next five years (2022 onwards)”. This statement is evident enough to state the impact of cloud computing on the Indian business realm.

So let’s discuss the general roadmap that businesses have been following for cloud computing:

  • Assessing the Business needs
  • Choosing the required Cloud Model
  • Developing a Cloud Strategy
  • Data Migration and Implementation
  • Data Optimization
  • Expanding Cloud Footprints
To Sum it Up…

If you want to stay ahead in the race in this digitally evolving business market, you need to incorporate cloud computing into your business operations. Cloud computing is not a destination, it's a never-ending journey that keeps getting better. To make this journey fruitful you will always need the right guide along the way, just like Ecode Dash. Where you will get the liberty to get yourself a future-ready cloud-optimized business model, without burning a hole in your pocket.